
  • 名称: 丹妮尔米. 米切尔
  • 高中毕业格林纳达高中

  • 学位(s): Holmes 社区 college Paralegal technology, 科霍马社区学院 Applied Science 呼吸道护理, Holmes 社区 College Applied Arts

  • 凭据(s): 阴极射线管

  • 毕业年份(RT项目): 2021

  • 工作地点: Grenada University of Mississippi Medical Center

  • How do you feel about your career choice as a respiratory therapist and why? 我感到很荣幸. I have met a lot of nice people. It makes my day knowing that my patient is one hundred percent well taken care of. 我在内心工作很好 我的家乡. It is like I am giving back to my community. 我真的很喜欢我的工作.

  • What drew you to the profession of respiratory care? I always knew as a little girl that 我是 going to be in the medical field. 我真的 thought I would've become a nurse, but God had other plans.

  • What influenced your decision to choose 科霍马社区学院 to pursue your academic/professional 目标? A friend influenced my decision to attend Coahoma. While attending 三角洲州立大学, 我是 failing two of my major classes to get into nursing school. 我哭了很多次 days and nights until God led me to someone who knew someone who went through Coahoma 社区 College Respiratory Therapy 程序. 我是 being willful about staying at 三角洲州立大学. That was until I got my final grades back. 我知道我需要 to change my mind and give respiratory a try. I have not regretted my decision since.

  • How well did the 呼吸道护理 Program prepare you for entering the local and national 卫生保健工作? This 程序 prepared me very well. This 程序 mentally and emotionally prepared me to deal with the general public. Not only that, but how to control my emotions towards certain events that may occur. Coahoma taught me how to be professional. As 博士的伟大话语. Lockett himself, "Learn how to be a chameleon.他的意思是 by this was to learn how to adapt to certain events. Know the difference between work 生活和个人生活.

  • How has the recent pandemic affected the field of respiratory care? 另外, why do you think 呼吸道护理 professionals are so needed at this time? I never knew how valuable a Respiratory Therapist was. From the doctors to the nurses, they care about what a therapist will have to say about a patient or within any situation. In all honesty, therapists are more needed. I wish that more programs were out there and more information on what a Respiratory Therapist does. 这次大流行已经开始 许多人的眼睛. We are the people that go in and out of these patients' rooms. We are the ones that have a lot of critical thinking skills. 有很多情况 where I, as a therapist, had to think quickly on my feet.

  • Has graduating from specifically, the CCC 呼吸道护理 Program changed your future? 如果有,如何? 是的,确实是这样. I never thought in a million years that I would call myself a respiratory therapist let alone considering improving my education.

  • What advice would you give to any individual interested in respiratory care in your 家乡或高中? My advice is to do your research, shadow someone within your desired field; it does 不需要呼吸. Be open-minded to learning what different fields does. Also, it is okay to leave your hometown to gain the education you need. 这也是 okay to return home to give back to your community.

  • What are your feelings about this year's respiratory care week theme, "Respiratory Therapists: Resilience, Strength, Hope"? I can take each word personally in this year's theme. 我必须要有韧性 it came down to graduating from the 程序. You will have a "predictor exam," also known as the final exam within this 程序. You have to pass this exam to graduate from the class, and it is a big part of your final average. 我的韧性发挥了作用 a part when I failed the first half of my exam. 我回到家,哭啊,哭啊. 我是 then on the phone with my military recruiter. I told my parents that 我是 not going back to take the exam and I am leaving to go to the Air Force. 就说我父母吧 were not having that, and with that, I had to get over my fears. 我一边学习一边哭. I cried while taking that test. However, I passed it on my first try. 换句话说 在这个主题中是力量. I had to have strength within this 程序. 我的大一新生 year of this 程序 COVID-19 hit. I recall failing almost every test we had at home. However, I had the strength and resilience to keep pushing. 我还有第三个单词, 这就是希望. With hope and prayer, I graduated from this 程序. 我可以诚实地说 把这个主题牢记在心. If it weren't for hard work and determination, I would not 能够给自己打电话. 丹妮尔·米切尔,RT

  • 如果你想说的话 种类 words about anyone that played a significant role in you accomplishing your RT 目标, please take this opportunity to do so. To my mom and dad,谢谢你 all the motivation and tough love throughout this 程序. To my loving and caring boyfriend,谢谢你 all the late-night studying and listening to rave on how ready 我是 to graduate or ready to quit the 程序. To my church members of Abundant Life Assembly Church Grenada, Ms.,谢谢你 所有的爱和祈祷. Your support has not gone unnoticed